We are individuals, nonprofits, schools and companies working together to accelerate social change. We leverage skilled volunteers and financial resources to advance a more just, equitable and sustainable Bay Area.

At Full Circle Fund, we are a community mobilizing for collective impact.

Join us.

20+ years of building community partnerships to support non-profits and transform lives.

Learn about how to make local change through skills-based volunteering, community engagement and giving.

Our Partners

Discover experiences that can help you accelerate change — with others who share a vision of a Better Bay.

  • Join a Full Circle Fund Project Team to leverage your skills and help a local Bay Area nonprofit. Or join one of our other programs; from Social Issue Circles to YCore Fellowship. We welcome you to explore becoming a member!

  • Check out our Projects & Grants. Apply to become a Nonprofit Grantee Partner and be part of the Full Circle Fund family. We invite you to get connected through events, and find support for your organization.

  • Sponsor a project team for your employees. Meet your social responsibility goals by involvement in Full Circle Fund. Share with your colleagues about getting involved in Full Circle Fund programs.

  • Partner with Full Circle Fund so your students can make an impact locally and support Bay Area non-profits. Check out our Projects and become familiar with our equity-focus.


In April 2023, Full Circle Fund and YCore came together as one organization.

Read more here.

Our Impact


Volunteer member hours contributed.


Nonprofit organizations supported.

23 years

of community-based work and inspiring courageous leadership.


of executives, entrepreneurs, public sector and nonprofit leaders driving social change.

Jon Todd, Member, Full Circle Fund Corporate Accelerator

“One of the biggest takeaways has simply been having a better understanding of what non-profit organizations actually need. A better understanding of their struggles and how my network and I can help lower the barrier to entry on helping with small projects, which I plan to continue to do more of. After being with the same company  for almost 10 years, this experience helped provide a refreshing look at how folks from other organizations operate. It also re-honed skills around small project planning & execution.”

Kaity Galanos, 2021 YCore Fellow

“Because of my YCore experience, I have more knowledge of the issues facing my community and more confidence to be a part of the change that is needed to build a more equitable society."


Are you a Bay Area nonprofit looking for support? A local professional in any stage of your career looking to use your skills for good? A company strengthening employee engagement, sustainability and local impact?

Get in touch!
